About us

About us?

    We are the legal Representatives and Official Distributors of Biomag Magnetotherapy devices We are part of a Network of Representatives with implementation in more than 30 countries We were the first to introduce, develop and implement the Biomag brand and its range of Magnetotherapy products in Spain Biomag is considered in Currently the leading brand in Spain and Europe in Pulsed Magnetotherapy devices. We started the project as a Biomag partner 13 years ago when Magnetotherapy was a little-known therapy. At present, Magnetotherapy treatment is considered the first physiotherapy discipline in recovery treatments in pathologies and injuries of the osteomyoarticular system (bones, muscles and) joints). Today, although there is still a long way to go, the most important specialists in traumatology, orthopedic surgery, sports medicine and rehabilitation include the prescription of magnetotherapy in their treatment protocols. We are proud to be one of the pioneers who successfully implemented and developed Magnet Therapy in Spain. We provide training, advise and equip physiotherapy centers and rehabilitation units in clinics and hospitals. We have our own Specialized Center for Intensive Magnet Therapy Treatments where we have developed our own "treatment method" with a statistic of more than 10,000 patients with a treatment effectiveness of 73%. Our method has been incorporated in other Centers.

What is our philosophy?

"Contribute to helping people preserve and improve their health, increase their well-being and achieve a better quality of life"

What are our basic pillars?


    All Biomag products are of the highest quality, using the latest technology in both design and manufacturing. State-of-the-art technologies are used for its manufacture and are constantly being updated. All its materials are biodegradable and not harmful to health. They comply with quality standards and are approved with the Certificates: of evaluation of the product as an EC medical device. The devices are marked with the CE mark together with the Identification number of the Notifying Body responsible for executing the provisions of the Medical Device Regulation. They comply with the new European regulation of MDR (Medical Device Regulation) that came into force in May 2021


    We advise you free of charge before buying or renting magnetotherapy equipment, both for private or professional use, depending on your needs and regardless of whether you decide on Biomag equipment or not. If you decide to buy or rent one of our equipment "you will never be alone". We will assign you a personal Therapist who will guide you for as long as necessary until you have familiarized yourself with the equipment. He will also prepare the TREATMENT PLANS for the diagnoses to be treated and will follow your evolution.


    Own Technical Service throughout Spain for any breakdown Customer Service for problem solving: operation of equipment, recommendations for placing applicators on the body and combination of programs to achieve greater effectiveness in treatments by specialized therapists.
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